The Ouya project is moving forward as developers continued to be brought on board. The hardware side of things is being described as “full steam ahead.”
“We’ve been refining Ouya’s hardware design (cosmetics, mechanicals, electricals, thermals etc.),” said Ouya CEO Julie Uhrman. “We’ve spent most of this time in the design phase, as getting it right up front saves us a lot of redesign and iteration later. We’ve had some of the best engineers and designers take a look at every design element and fine tune it. Our CAD models and SLAs (plastic prototypes that provide us with a physical look and feel of the product) are finished, and we moved out of the design phase and into development a couple of weeks ago.”

“Last week was a huge milestone for us — we received our first development run of PCBs (Printed Circuit Boards) for the console,” said Uhrman. “This is the heart (and we believe the soul) of the Ouya experience. It’s pretty amazing how our engineers have packed in Quad-Core awesomeness into such an unbelievably small package (any guesses on how small the PCB actually is ). All the hard work in refining the design has paid off in spades — the first boards came to life without any hitches, and we’re now fine tuning software and hardware performance for graphics, wireless, and user experience!”
The console is currently being put through its paces until they get the console and controller they want. The OS will also be upgraded before launch.
“I’m happy to announce Ouya will run on Android Jelly Bean, the newest version of the Android operating system,” noted Uhrman. “We’re making the jump from the old version, Ice Cream Sandwich, to ensure that we’re running on the most up-to-date software available. You asked if it could be done, we looked into it, and we made it happen.”