The mobile version of Minecraft called Minecraft — Pocket Edition released in November for iOS and Android and many new smartphone/tablet owners picked up the game over the Holidays. However, people didn’t like the game being more like Minecraft Creative and Mojang business developer Daniel Kaplan has promised that a new version of the game will be submitted to Android Market and the iOS AppStore for approval February 8.
“We have read tons of comments and feedback and it seems like we made a huge mistake,” wrote Kaplan. “You wanted monsters, resources, animals and more different blocks. This means that the initial code we had written didn’t exactly fit with the new plan where we wanted to add all the stuff you have been asking for. So we have been reorganizing, rewritten and changed the whole plan for Minecraft — Pocket Edition.”
“In the background a lot of stuff has changed to support the survival aspects of the game. You will see some neat looking animals and new blocks,” he added. “Crafting won’t be in this update since we need to redesign the GUI for it and it will need some iteration and thinking. But the great part is that the foundation for survival will be mostly done and we can throw out much more fun updates! Yay! 😀 And hopefully the progress of the updates will be much more faster. Oh, and of course some bug-fixing have been done too. Doors and fences will be in there it too!”