Harebrained Schemes has successfully funded their Shadowrun Kickstarter with $1,895,772, exceeding the initial $400,000 goal. This means that the game will not only come to iOS, Android and PC but also to Mac and Linux as well.
To Shadowrun creator Jordan Weisman, pitching a new game in the franchise has been a non-starter for a long time with publishers. “We went to Microsoft and tried to buy back the property. I wasn’t successful, but I did get a license,” he said. “So I started thinking about a very large-scale implementation of Shadowrun. And I pitched that to a number of publishers and was not successful. When we formed Harebrained Schemes, we had some conversations about smaller scale versions of it, but there were still no takers. I had pretty much lost hope of being able to do the kind of role-playing game I wanted to do.”
After being convinced to do the Kickstarter route, he said the response was “very overwhelming. Enormously, emotionally overwhelming, and not just the money, but as I said in the videos, it was people’s stories that they were posting, and they were really touching. This (game) was 23 years ago, and to see how much of it is left in people’s hearts and minds – to see that kind of response made an old man feel pretty good.”
Source: Wired