by Allen Weiner
The Next Big Con
Following in the footsteps of sports card collectors, comic book fan-folks and sci-fi geeks, Netflix is turning one of its most popular shows, Orange Is the New Black into a “convention” which will celebrate the start of the fourth season of the show and everyone associated with it. Unless memory fails me, TV shows aren’t generally honored with such tributes until they are off the air (or streams). Those behind The Brady Bunch, Leave it to Beaver, and even Star Trek used to hold events in which aging stars were dragged out to sign autographs while devotees dressed up in their dorkiest celebrity getups to take a stroll down memory lane.
OrangeCon is a zero sum game for Netflix, but a low-risk one at that. If it works, it will be replicated, duplicated, and ripped off by lots of networks and producers across all forms of gatherings The notion of closing the gap between star and fan (or fantasy and reality) can be big business. Or not.
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