By Elena Zanone
The Obama White House has proven itself to be a social media maven. Last week, the White House made the first post to its official Tumblr. The administration says it will post notes on policy decisions, peel back the curtain on some governmental action, publish quotes from the President himself, and upload animated GIFs.
“We see some great things here at the White House every day, and sharing that stuff with you is one of the best parts of our jobs,” the White House stated in its first post. “That’s why we’re launching a Tumblr.”
It’s a surprisingly late entrance for an administration that has already launched a Vine, the newest social media player to hit the interwebs. The White House has been an active member on Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, Pinterest, YouTube, and Google+. Apparently there’s no shortage of material for adding Tumblr.
The administration continued in their debut Tumblr post, “We’ll post things like the best quotes from President Obama, or video of young scientists visiting the White House for the science fair, or photos of adorable moments with Bo. We’ve got some wonky charts, too. Because to us, those are actually kind of exciting.”
Obama’s reliance on social media dates back to his first campaign. The President used social media heavily in his 2008 run. After his election in 2012, many pointed to his campaign’s expert use of social media to communicate with voters and even raise money compared to shortcomings in his opponent, Mitt Romney’s camp. Obama even had a Tumblr during the campaign – remember Now that he’s in his second term he’s continuing to position his administration as the most accessible in history.
In proper social media protocol, the White House’s Tumblr will also serve as a place where the public is encouraged to ask questions and share personal stories about what governmental policies mean to them. The administration even wants users to offer suggestions about how the White House can improve its “Tumbling.”
Users can follow the White House’s new Tumblr at
What would you like to see on the White House Tumblr? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Source: Mashable