If January’s Most Played PC Games list looks familiar, it’s because no games entered or dropped out of the top 20!

League of Legends started off the New Year with a strong hold on first place with a share time of 19.97 percentamong the PC games played in January by Raptr members, nearly double the amount of World of Warcraft.
Though World of Warcraft ended 2014 strong with impressive gains after its Draenor expansion, it lost 5.28 percent of play time in January compared to December.
Both DotA 2 and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive gained significant play time (DotA up 23.18 percent, CSGO 37.23 percent) thanks in part to various updates to items and maps throughout the month.
Smite rounded out the top 5; play time was up only 1.00 percent, despite the release of a new god.
Hearthstone got a 23.73 percent play time boost, helping it rise a spot in January.
Diablo III play time increased an impressive 77.27 percent, and the game moved up five places in January’s Most Played. Patch 2.1.2 released in January and included major updates to classes and items, the addition of Season Legendary Items, and more.
Dragon Age: Inquisition fell three places as it lost 17.74 percent of play time.
Though World of Tanks, Battlefield 4, and ArcheAge gained play time in January, all three lost a rank in Most Played at the hands of Diablo III.
Final Fantasy XIV Online climbed two places, while Guild Wars 2 rose three spots. Final Fantasy XIV had an end-of-the-month free login weekend, patch, and new items and goods releases. Guild Wars 2 featured a double XP event that coincided with PAX South, as well as free access to Point of No Return, Guild Wars 2′s latest episode.
Warframe was the biggest loser in January, falling six places. It lost 17.89 percent of play time despite the addition of new weapons, skins, and a new mini-game.
Note: The Share number by each game represents that title’s gameplay time as a percentage of the total time spent on all the PC games played by Raptr members, and is useful for comparing the relative amount of play time between particular games.