Oath launched new mobile ad formats at Mobile World Congress including mobile AR, full screen native and social interactive options. These new mobile ads were designed to compete with tech giants like Google, Facebook and Snapchat.
Brands in the US will now have access to interactive ads across Verizon’s network of mobile apps, with testing available in select international markets. The ads are linked to Yahoo Gemini programmatic marketplace, allowing Verizon to take full advantage of its recent acquisitions and all the tools thereof. First announced in December, these new advertising options are part of Oath’s plan to “simplify, strengthen and scale” its creative ad portfolio over the coming year.
Mobile AR Ads
Oath’s AR mobile ad unit can be embedded directly into mobile apps like Yahoo Mail. Selecting the ad allows consumers to visualize products within their surroundings. Home Depot, Williams-Sonoma and Pottery Barn were among the first to test the ads over the past few months.
Mobile AR finds a natural home in the worlds of retail and beauty, with brands like Ikea and CoverGirl utilizing the technology to aid in purchase decisions.
Visualization is becoming even more important to the buyer’s journey as consumers adopt AR into their daily lives. A recent study by DigitalBridge found that 74 percent of consumers say they now expect retailers to offer them some kind of AR experience.
Together with Apple’s ARKit and Google’s ARCore fresh out of beta, consumers’ AR shopping wishes can come true.
Full-screen Native Ads
Designed to compete with rivals Snapchat and Instagram, Oath’s full-screen native ad format will run across all of Oath’s mobile apps. This includes, but is not limited to, Yahoo Finance, Yahoo Sports, Yahoo Weather and HuffPost.
Just in time for tax season, online accounting software brand Intuit will be the first to try out the new full-screen native ad.
Mobile Wallet Coupons
Oath is also launching a mobile ad that allows users to save coupons and deals to their mobile wallet. The interactive ads are integrated into a brand’s social content, which translates directly to ROI measurement.
Coupons were named as a leading influence on purchase decisions by 74 percent of consumers aged 23-36, according to a June 2017 study by Lab42. Gen Z (ages 13-22) gave a similar response at 60 percent.
Adding new incentives to use a digital wallet may be the shot in the arm financial brands have been looking for, as well. Mobile wallets made up a paltry one percent of retail sales in 2016, according to Mastercard, but awareness isn’t the problem. Rather, a lack of loyalty programs and incentives may be to blame.
Mastercard analyzed a year’s worth of conversations—over 3.5 million—across social media that discussed online payments. The financial brand found that 75 percent of conversations involved digital wallets with 42 percent taking place in North America and 72 percent overall being of a positive nature.
Meanwhile, an Urban Airship study from 2016 found that 67 percent of consumers want loyalty functionality in a mobile wallet. Adding coupons would be a start.