Think that mobile gaming is attracting a younger audience? Actually, according to a story from GamesIndustry International, it’s the opposite.
A report from Unity-owned mobile gaming firm Everplay provided more information on who’s actually spending money in the mobile game market. Across over 3,000 people, the survey shows that an older audience provides the biggest boost, with $6.07 spent per party per month across the 35-44 year old demographic. The 18-24 year old market was a runner-up, but with nearly half the amount at $3.73 spend on a monthly basis.
Men make up a majority of that audience, spending $5.63 per month compared to women spending $3.49 in the same period. The average comes out to around $4.58.
Out of those surveyed, those who played more often spent the most money, while casual players didn’t even come close to the one-dollar mark, spending around $.66 per month. More avid players came closer to $15.15 spent per month, averaging over ten hours of gameplay.
By comparison, 59 percent of players didn’t spend a single cent on their mobile game experiences, while less than 1 percent were considered the “whales” of the group, spending $50 or more on a monthly basis. Out of those experiences, those involving competitive play seemed to be the biggest draws.
The chart below breaks down spending by demographic, including how much is spent by age and gender, as well as monthly spending and time utilized in playing said games.

There’s also a breakdown of where the social angle lies, with 32 percent interested in sharing tips and tricks for their favorite games, followed by discussion in dedicated forums, providing video replays for others to view, and sharing screenshots of their games in action. Not every game provides these options, so it’s easy to see where tips and tricks would be more popular.