Periscope, Twitter’s online video streaming service, has managed to take off quite a bit in a short amount of time, with celebrities and other users utilizing the service for a number of means – some that might even be considered illegal. That said, Twitter has an interesting plan in place for advertising, according to a story from AdAge.

It’s not a traditional plan, however. Neither video platform has force-fed advertising, and, according to Twitter’s vice president of global brand strategy, Joel Lunenfeld, the social site will work more closely with brands in the hopes of promoting unique content for these platforms, all within its core network. Stars could also be brought on board, with Twitter acting as a “middle man” of sorts between them and the brands.

“As of right now, we don’t have plans for promoted Vines or promoted Periscopes,” said Lunenfeld, at this week’s Collision tech conference in Las Vegas. Instead, connections will be made through Niche, a company that works to bring brands and stars together. Twitter picked up Niche back in February for a reported $30 million.

Could this pay off in the long run, yes. Stars have massive followers on both the Twitter and Vine front, and a tie-in with branded content could be done quite easily. “A brand or an ad agency comes to us and says, ‘I’m launching a new product: it’s targeted to this audience,” said Lunenfeld. “Well say, ‘Okay, here’s 15 people (and) five of them, alone, have a combined audience bigger than BuzzFeed.”

HP has already put this plan to good use, creating Vines that promote the launch of a convertible laptop, featuring a number of users talking about the device in a number of ways. As a result, Twitter was able to create a 30-second ad from the Vines, which has gained its own popularity. “We knew there was something special there, and the backend metrics showed that purchase intent, brand awareness, all those things went up,” he said. (The ad can be seen below.)

Forcing ads into someone’s Vine or Periscope feed doesn’t appear to be a definitive answer for the social network, since such a strong community would immediately react – and negatively, at that – over the enforcement of such ads. So this does provide a new way to generate popularity – and revenue – while both the brand and star in question would come away successful.

“We’re really focusing on building the product, the experience and the community first,” said Lunenfeld. “Then we’ve got strong relationships with every advertiser to learn how to promote that through Twitter proper.”