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Twitter Brings Promoted Accounts To Timelines

Promotional tweets have definitely come a long way over the last few months, with an array of topics to choose from. However, they haven’t really found their way to the site’s mobile applications – until now, at least.

The company is working on an update that will bring the promoted accounts to both iOS and Android applications, with updates appearing beneath tweets from the advertiser – though users shouldn’t be concerned, as it won’t affect their day-to-day browsing of their friends’ and other Twitter accounts.

A Twitter spokeswoman has explained that the introduction of the new format shouldn’t affect the frequency of how often the ads will appear, and that advertisers would only be charged if a user follows their account, and not based on overall impressions.

A post on the Twitter blog page explained how it would work a little bit further. “For example, a new coffee shop could run a geo-targeted promoted accounts campaign in timeline to build awareness about their business and explain why users should follow them on Twitter.”

There’s no word on when this program will launch, but it shouldn’t be too far off.

Source: Twitter