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Android Ouya Console Raises $2 Million Quickly

Yves Behar’s concept for a Android console called Ouya on Kickstarter has raised well over $2 million with four weeks still to go. The open platform with free-to-play emphasis has gotten the open support of Jordan Mechner, Adam Saltsman, Jenova Chen and Brian Fargo.

“Developers can wave farewell to the roadblocks of bringing a console game to market,” reads the product’s appeal page. “Anyone can make a game: every Ouya console is a dev kit. No need to purchase a license or an expensive SDK. It’s built on Android, so developers already know how it works.”

“That doesn’t mean Ouya is an Android port. You can create the next big title in your bedroom – just like the good old days! Who needs pants! ” it adds. “Ouya could change AAA game development, too. Forget about licensing fees, retail fees, and publishing fees.”
