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BioWare Regrets Gameplay Mistakes In First Mass Effect

BioWare has expressed some regrets with Dragon Age II, but it turns out there are some lingering regrets over the first Mass Effect as well. The combat was redesigned and streamlined for the acclaimed sequel Mass Effect 2.

“Art-wise the original levels [in ME1] worked really well but for gameplay they weren’t so good, said BioWare art director Derek Watts. We had a lot of raised platforms and areas you could get caught up in – stuff we should have fixed right from the beginning.”

“Because it was our first next-gen game we were actually thinking we were doing a really good job. It’s just the challenge of trying to make that first next-gen game was huge. Everybody else had issues too, said Watts. “Getting used to the technology made it difficult for us. We wanted those wide open areas, those swooping curves, the grand vistas and stuff, but it was hard to do with that engine.”

Source: CVG