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Facebook Hosts Viral Messages for Assassin’s Creed

The Assassin’s Creed series is filled with secret messages, conspiracy theories and subterfuge. Appropriately, Ubisoft is teasing details of the next title in the Assassin’s Creed series on the official Facebook page via antagonist Dr. Vidic.

It is the time of our rising. A new age enters and a great battle looms. Templar destiny is at hand and waiting for you, reads the first message by Vidic, followed by, An offering to you who welcome a new dawn of man.Take this image and answer our call. A great battle looms to finish the past and begin the future. Stand ready to serve. We will send for you soon.

All of the messages will likely lead to the official revelation of Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, which was uncovered yesterday in a GameStop ad.