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Groupon Distances Itself From Donald Trump

Groupon has announced that they are distancing themselves from The Apprentice or anything that has to do with the Donald Trump brand. The company that offers discounts on restaurants, hotels and other services does not want to be associated with the politically controversial Trump.

Here s the thing: Groupon has never been a sponsor of The Apprentice on TV or on the web. We invest heavily in online advertising through networks that place ads on a rolling basis, meaning that we know one will appear on but not specifically which page. We know that some advertising appeared on the Apprentice home page a few weeks ago, wrote Groupon. Enough consumers have contacted us to warrant ensuring that we don t place ads on the Apprentice homepage in the future. It s the same reason we don t run deals on guns or abortion this isn t a political statement, it s avoiding intentionally upsetting a segment of our customers.

Source: Groupon Blog