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Pathfinder Online Raises Over $1 Million On Kickstarter

Goblinworks announced that its Pathfinder Online Kickstarter was funded. 8,732 backers supported the game, raising $1,091,194 in total, including over $100,000 in the final 24 hours to easily clear the Kickstarter goal.

“Awed, humbled, utterly blown away by your love and support. Words fail us,” reads the announcement by Goblinworks. “Having reached our funding goal is such an amazing achievement. We’ll be the 10th most funded videogame project in Kickstarter history. We are showing the videogame industry that there’s a place for a fantasy sandbox MMO, FUNDED BY ITS PLAYERS. This is history-making stuff here, people. And you are a part of it.”

The company also confirmed that Gnomes will be added to the game as a player race because the game hit its first stretch goal.
