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Pew Study Shows High U.S. Console Ownership

Yesterday, the[a]listdaily led readers to a brief FastCompany recap of Pew Research’s report {link no longer active} on internet and mobile usage, titled the Internet & American Life Project.   Today, Kotaku picked up on videogame related results from the study released by Pew.  According to Kotaku, Pew surveyed 800 children and found that 80 percent of those in the U.S. aged 12-17 years-old own game consoles.  Among them, 89 percent of boys said they owned or had access to a console compared to 70 percent of girls.  Pew found that more than half in the same age group own handheld consoles, with the youngest making up the highest percentage ownership.  Among 12-13 year-olds, 66 percent said they own a handheld.  The average fell to 44 percent for those aged 14-17 years.  Among handheld owners, 56 percent were boys and 47 percent were girls. Read more at Kotaku.