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PlayStation Vita Gets ‘First Edition Bundle’

Sony has announced that those that order the PS Vita First Edition bundle will be available on February 15, 2011. It will launch a week before the system becomes available to the wider population and include a copy of Little Deviants.

“The U.S. bundle includes a PS Vita 3G + Wi-Fi model, a limited edition case, 4GB PS Vita Memory Card, and Little Deviants game for $349.99,” says John Koller, SCEA Director of Hardware Marketing. “The Canadian bundle includes a Wi-Fi model, a limited edition case, 4GB PS Vita Memory Card, and Little Deviants game for $299.99. Best of all, you can pick up the PS Vita First Edition Bundle on February 15, 2012, so this is your chance to play before everyone else.”

Source: PlayStation Blog