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Portal 2 Owners On PS3 Get Free Steam Copy

Valve revealed today that PS3 owners of Portal 2 will receive a code that lets them install the game on PC if they link their PSN and Steam accounts. There will also be cross-platform functionality that allows PS3 and PC players to play multiplayer matches together, chat online and upload their PS3 saved games to a cloud-based storage system.

We made a promise to gamers at E3 that Portal 2 for PS3 would be the best console version of the product, said Valve president and co-founder Gabe Newell. Working with Sony we have identified a set of features we believe are very compelling to gamers. We hope to expand upon the foundation being laid in Portal 2 with more Steam features and functionality in DLC and future content releases.

PS3 gamers will be able to simply drop the Blu-ray disc into the PS3 and link to their Steam account from inside the game, added Portal 2 project lead Josh Weier. All their Steam friends on PC and Mac will be visible and accessible for chat and game invites.