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Star Citizen Smashes Kickstarter Goals

Cloud Imperium announced that it has raised over $540,000 for their Kickstarter project Star Citizen. The project by Chris Roberts started on October 18 and reached its goal in less than a week, with over 12,000 backers.

“The amount of support from our fans has been overwhelming,” Roberts said. “We had a few hiccups on our own site in the first week of operation, which led us to open up the Kickstarter page. Kickstarter provided better scalability for us and additional options for our fans. In the end, this is all about breathing new life into the PC games business. PC gamers have been left on the sidelines for the last few years. I want to utilize all the new technology that a PC can provide and bring space sims back into the modern area with a bang.”

On Roberts’ self-operated crowd funding site at they’ve raised more than $1.3 million (and more than 15,000 additional backers), bringing the total amount of pledges on both sites to over the company’s stated minimum pledge goal of $2 million.
