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Star Wars: The Old Republic Gaming Stuff Launches

Star Wars: The Old Republic is out and with it, there’s many fine accessories related to it that consumers can purchase. This includes a Dolby 7.1 surround-sound headset ($129.99) from Razer which can emit either green or red light, comes with retractable microphone and an interchangeable faction symbols.

There’s also an ergonomically-designed gaming mouse ($139.99) with 17 programmable buttons, complete with charging dock and interchangeable faction identifiers. There’s also an official mouse pad ($49.99) with non-reflective coating that can be flipped depending, once again, on faction choice.

Finally, there’s also a 160-page book called The Art and Making of Star Wars: The Old Republic ($40) where BioWare’s Daniel Erickson and Frank Parisi detail the game’s development with concept art and designs.

Source: USA Today