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Studies Show iOS Generates More Sales

Analyst firm Localytics has been tracking how often an app is used on both Android and iOS, and its data shows some interesting trends. The data, going back four years, shows that the number of apps that have been used only once is decreasing, down to 20 percent of all apps (from 26 percent). The drop has been more pronounced on Android devices, with only 16 percent of Android apps being used only once, compared to 23 percent of iOS apps that are used only once.

On the flip side of app usage, Localytics data shows that Android apps used more than 10 times have jumped to 45 percent, compared to 36 percent of iOS apps. Localytics believes the difference may be due to iOS users having more apps, or perhaps because Android smartphone users have larger screens — which may make using a particular app a better experience.

Regardless of the difference in app usage, iOS devices still lead when it comes to making money, according to data from Monetate. The firm tracking revenue from shopping across different platforms, and found that the iPad is still the leader when it comes to getting shoppers to open their wallets. The iPad generated the highest revenue for tablets at $160 per order, while the Kindle Fire tablets pulled in $122 in the March 2014 quarter — not surprising given Amazon’s strength as an online store. Android tablets brought up the rear at $107 per order.

On the smartphone side, Apple’s phones still led the competition with an average order size of $118, with Android smartphones coming in at $112 and Windows smartphones at $101 per order.

It goes to show that market share isn’t everything, given the lead Android phones have worldwide in new phone sales. With Apple’s new iPhones coming soon, most analysts predict that Apple will nab a larger market share in the coming months, as the larger devices will compete better with the bigger screens common on Android phones. Will larger iPhone screens mean bigger sales when users go shopping That will be something e-commerce sites are going to be watching very closely in the coming months. What do you think?

Source: Forbes