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T-Mobile, AT&T Have Initial Windows Phone 7 Offerings

Microsoft today unveiled their new line up of Windows Phone 7 handsets. In the U.S., T-Mobile will be offering the HTC HD7 and the Dell Venue Pro, while AT&T will offer the HTC Surround, Samsung Focus, and the LG Quantum; there will be a total of 13 carriers in 12 different countries offering their own variation on the phones.

“We have a beautiful lineup in this first wave of Windows Phone 7 handsets,” said Steve Ballmer, chief executive officer at Microsoft. “Microsoft and its partners are delivering a different kind of mobile phone and experience one that makes everyday tasks faster by getting more done in fewer steps and providing timely information in a glance and go format.”

Sprint and Verizon Wireless will be launching their own Windows Phone 7 handsets in early 2011.