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Ultimate Spider-Man Revealed As Miles Morales

Marvel has revealed who will be the new Ultimate Spider-Man after that universe’s Peter Parker perished in a battle with the Green Goblin. The company revealed that the new Ultimate Spider-Man will be Miles Morales, a half-black, half-hispanic teenager and will debut in Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1 launches in September, with his backstory detailed in forthcoming issues.

“The theme is the same: With great power comes great responsibility. He’s going to learn that. Then he has to figure out what that means,” said writer Brian Michael Bendis. “It’s certainly long overdue. Even though there’s some amazing African-American and minority characters bouncing around in all the superhero universes, it’s still crazy lopsided.”

“Maybe sooner or later a black or gay – or both – hero will be considered something absolutely normal,” added Ultimate Comics Spider-Man artist Sara Pichelli.

Source: USA Today