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Vanquish Raving By Insomniac

Employees of Insomniac Games (Resistance, Ratchet & Clank) had a grand old time trying out the latest and greatest at E3. One thing that was nearly universal among their opinions, though, was how high quality Shinji Mikami’s Vanquish is.

“My favorite game at E3 was Vanquish,” said Giac Veltri, Tools Programmer. “First, I had no idea it even existed. Second, it looked awesome. Third, the demo was a lot of fun – action-packed and full of spectacle. Plus, it’s in the sci-fi shooter genre, which is something that I’m always into. I also liked taking over one of the walking mechs (although I sucked at actually using it).”

“Vanquish: Guns, explosions, mechs to pilot, jet boots, giant transforming spider mech enemies,” said Joel Goodsell, Senior Designer. “Over-the-top action, hot anime librarian-looking chick giving me orders (oh, crap, inside voice, inside voice.)”

A brilliant technical showpiece from the creator of the original Resident Evil and the director of Resident Evil 4 my favorite game of all time. “It plays like Gears of War on crack and looks absolutely gorgeous,” said Paul Featherstone, Community Specialist. Platinum is knocking it out of the park after Bayonetta hopefully we will see more frequent high-quality releases from them in the next few years.
