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‘Walking Dead’ Dead Billboard Removed From Funeral Home Wall

A billboard for The Walking Dead has been withdrawn and apologies offered in the U.K. That’s because the unfortunate public display advertising appeared on the side of The Co-operative Funeralcare.


“There must be somewhere else they could put it that would have shown a degree of insight and sensitivity,” said Susan Jones, from the Willow Burn Hospice. “Emotions can be pretty raw when people are recently bereaved. Words like ‘death’ and ‘dead’ can be very difficult.”

Some considered the ad ironically, at least at first. Web designer Greg Coltman, from the area, said, “At first I  thought it was quite funny, but when I thought about it I realized some people could take offense.”

“It is disappointing that we were not consulted as this advert could cause unnecessary distress,” said spokesman for the Co-operative Funeralcare from whom the space was leased. “When the billboard site was erected, we were assured that no insensitive adverts would be featured.”

“Clear Channel apologizes for any offense caused by the unfortunate juxtaposition of this advertisement, which was certainly not intended,” said a Clear Channel spokesperson. “We  arranged to have it removed right away and it has since come down.”

Source: Daily Mail