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Will Wright Speaks About Gamer’s Power To Change Policy

Before E3, Microsoft announced a series of complex policies concerning used games, sharing and connectivity for their new Xbox One that left a sour taste in the mouth of gamers. This led to Sony taking an early commanding lead in pre-orders. Now, Microsoft has rescinded these policies after hearing the grievances of the gamers and their reluctance to spend their money. In response to this change, Sim City creator Will Wright has given his approval to the power gamers have had in bringing about these changes.

In an interview with CNN Money, Wright said “That’s something I’ve always believed in – getting the players very involved, not just after the game ships, but even before and try to listen to them.” Seeing gamers get involved with the actual process of distribution and creation of games is important in the end, as they are the ones that will be buying the product. Seeing a company accede to player’s requests is to see this concept become reality.

“To see a company like Microsoft actually sit back, listen, and understand the fans and respond to them is impressive.” Wright says, “For a company of that size to be responsive is great. These companies are the ones that obviously keep us in business and allow us to make games.” Buyers are the ones spending money on the consoles, so when there is a unified voice that speaks out against practices like these it benefits companies that listen, both with consumer trust and their dollars.

Wright warns to be careful however: “There’s the thing where five percent of the people are making all the noise. Sometimes they represent the other 95 percent, sometimes they don’t.” Knowing whether the portion of the population that is acting up is part of a vocal minority or not is important in knowing how to form a product. When releasing a product, making sure that customers will want to buy the product is integral. Microsoft’s change has earned some share back from Sony, and Wright believes that listening to the populace was the best course of action.
