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Be A Martian Today

Visit the official NASA site for “Be a Martian” and begin your virtual exploration of the human-robotic partnership of the new Mars rover Curiosity. Log in to the site or just be an anonymous tourist and BeAM (stands for Be A Martian) will keep you updated on Mars and the BeAM community.

The goal of the site is to extend the shared abilities of NASA/JPL-Caltech and Microsoft to participate in discovery and life-long learning as members of a global, space-faring society.

According to the site:

“We’re currently in an age of virtual exploration and the human-robotic partnership. Robots are extensions of ourselves, venturing where we cannot (yet!) go. Robots in turn rely on us to interpret the discoveries they send back on our behalf. In these decades, we venture beyond our home world for the first time. In history, it is what we will be remembered for as a culture. Space exploration is no longer limited to the intrepid few, but is open to us all as members of a spacefaring society. Be part of exploration and discovery in these times, and personally contribute to the expansion of human knowledge for all of us now, and as a legacy for those who follow. Become an explorer. Be A Martian!”

Download the Be A Martian app prior to landing–available for most mobile phones (iPhone, Android, and Win 7) to get up to speed on the latest discoveries from Mars wherever and whenever, as you’re doing your own roving “on the go” here on Earth.

See the latest mission images of our spacecraft and those returned from the Red Planet and learn about Mars and all the active missions. Get up-to-the-minute news and check out behind-the-scenes videos featuring people on the missions.

To learn more about NASA’s Mars Exploration Program, visit this site.