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Brands Clamor To Instagram

A new report from Simply Measured shows that if you aren’t on Instagram yet, you’re behind. According to their findings, 71 percent of the world’s largest brands have gotten on board with Instagram, and for good reason. Brand engagement on the platform has increased year over year by an incredible 350 percent, effectively overtaking Google + and Pinterest as preferred social platforms for brands.


The report also gets into the details of what makes brands successful on the platform. The majority of brands are posting at least once a week, with posting frequency increasing by 19 percent over last quarter. Video use is increasing on Instagram and the top brands are using it to their advantage although Simply Measured notes that engagement on photo posts is still higher than on microvideo. Brand posts also include fewer hashtags than individual posts usually do.

Instagram has become increasingly tantalizing to marketers as ads have begun to roll out. Though automotive and luxury brands have been top players on Instagram, the seamless and organic integration of ads may broaden the prospects of Instagram’s ad buys.

Instagram is currently an ideal platform for brands looking to repurpose content from other social sites, but Simply Measured has released some tips to prepare for Instagram ads on the heels of their enlightening report. They recommend planning and creating content specifically catered to Instagram while being aware that Instagram will not perform similarly to other social platforms. They also recommend that you not shy away from experimentation with call-to-actions and identify the goal of each post.
Source: Inside Facebook