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Oreo’s Twitter-Made 3D Printed Cookies


Miniature platform where the cookie is born.

Perhaps when you think of personalized cookies, the kind you imagine are of the homespun sort with the addition of your favorite nuts or candies. At South by Southwest Interactive, it appears Oreo thinks in terms of hyper-personalized versions of their famed sandwich cookies with the added benefit of another ingredient—the Internet.

Oreo is creating these real-time snacks using data collection to create actually edible 3D printed cookies. Depending on what’s trending on Twitter, the flavor of the cookie will change, but attendees can choose from a dozen different choices.

While it takes about 2 minutes to create the personalized cookie, tweet your experience with Oreo’s hashtag #eatthetweet.

Oreo continues to prove its real-time marketing prowess and their ability to think outside the sheer blue plastic box.

Some might be approaching these 3D future-cookies with a little trepidation, and that makes sense. If you’re not a SXSW and just itching to find out what the cookie-making process is like, you’ll want to view the video below.