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Puppies! Kittens! Your New Friends In 3D!

Curious about how the Nintendo 3DS will make hang out with your pooches and kitties seem more real and alive  Check out the official Nintendo website for nintendogs + cats and explore an illustrated interactive brochure that explains all the different ways that you can use augmented reality to interact with the 3DS, your environment and your pet! Plan which puppy you would like to take home and think about taking him out for a walk. Find some fun trinkets any time of day morning, day, and evening.  Teach your puppy to sit and give it a name, then head back to the kennel and choose from three kitten types Standard, Oriental Shorthair, and Longhair.  Take a look how videos and screens to get a sense of how StreetPass communication lets you share puppy data as well as a gift with other pet owners you’ve passed on the street, on the train, at school, or on the playground.  After you do, their Mii avatar and pet will appear in your in-game park!