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These Are The Game Trailers Of The Week: Jan. 16

Grey Goo – Launch Trailer

This launch trailer is 2:30 chock full of epic CGI. These people are being attacked by a gooey, ruthless enemy, and I want to know why. This RTS features three races fighting over control of resources, which is very similar to how Starcraft is set up. When that is the case, you have to show why your game deserves the attention of the consumer; this came in the form of a massive CG trailer. I have no idea what the game mechanics are like, or if it’s even good at all, but the point of a trailer is to sell the game, and this certainly has selling power.

The Sims 4 – Outdoor Adventures Expansion Trailer

Let the Sims expansions begin! With its tumultuous launch behind it, The Sims 4 takes its first steps out of the neighborhood and into the wild yonder with Outdoor Adventures, the first of (assumedly) many “game packs” to be dropped for the iconic EA franchise. Dubbed an ‘entirely new product line for The Sims franchise”, this and other game packs will include a combination of new items and activities for your Sims to enjoy. While it’s unclear whether full-fledged expansions are on the way, EA and Maxis have promised plenty of free game updates on top of these paid game packs. The future of pretending to live other people’s lives are upon us, and it costs $19.99 a pop.

Puzzle and Dragons  – Super Mario Edition Teaser Trailer

This rare occurrence of Nintendo loaning out their flagship franchise to a third party developer means two things: it’s only a matter of time until Mario starts coming to mobile, and both companies are going to make a ton of money out of it. GungHo Online Entertainment is lauded as the leading mobile developer in Japan, and this time they’re flexing their chops on the 3DS mashing up Mario with the Puzzle and Dragons franchise. This shows a willingness to collaborate among the big players in the Japanese gaming market, along with the fact that Nintendo is willing to expand their horizons in order to stay at the top of their game. Besides, when is more Mario ever a bad thing