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Why Meghan Camarena Is Shifting To Longform Content

Is longform content– not shortform, as many believe it to be– really the future for content on YouTube We caught up with Meghan Camarena, also known as Strawburry17 while at VidCon, to chat about her plans for the future and her work with brands.

“We try not to let any video go under five minutes,” says Camarena. “We’re really trying to build it into 10-minute, solid, beginning-middle-end format.”

This may sound strange to marketers who have shifted to snackable, short-form content to engage their audiences. But Camarena, who has worked with brands like StateFarm, Sony and ThinkGeek, sees content shifting in a different direction.

“When I first started YouTube, the shorter the video, the better the views you would get and that’s how it would go viral quicker. You’d have to keep it under a minute, or a minute-thirty,” she says. “Now, when people sit down, they want to watch something. They don’t want a two minute video. That’s a tease. We’re a generation of people that want to binge and watch Netflix.”

Camarena also gave [a]list insight on what she looks for when she seeks to partner with brands.

“I look for brands that have a similar vision to me and try to partner with them so that we can become a superbrand.”