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Drawing Followers In With Content Marketing

Content marketing can be an uphill struggle when it comes to outreach, particularly with business and consumer brands alike. However, it can be achieved, and beyond the usual “interruptive” advertising that most companies are prone to using.

This can be done through engagement apps, which provide a number of ways that consumers can create shareable brand-themed content with their fellow followers and even fans, if their page manages to be big enough. It’s just a matter of following a few basic tips, as reported by Mashable.

First off, allowing fans and followers to vote on what sort of advertising works best is a positive move, even if it’s as something as simple as a logo on a t-shirt, or which photo to use for a magazine cover. This allows users to provide input, without having questions forced upon them that require an answer before moving on.

A personalized brand experience also goes a long way. Such an example of this is clothing brand Jones NY, which leverages followers’ Linkedin profiles with a Style Creator campaign, which lets executive women select outfits based on suggestions from their profile.

Allowing fans and followers to contribute brand-related content is another smart move, as it would enable them to provide their own input without, again, feeling like it’s a forced decision. With photos, videos and other stories as a means for submitting, it can make it seem like its their own personal experience, while related to your brand.

Uncovering profile insights and challenging the knowledge of the social audience round out the five steps, allowing them to interact in unique ways that tie in with the brand itself. Microsoft provides an example of this with the Nametag Analyzer, which allows Linkedin users to see what a new job title would look like to them. As far as knowledge challenging, Visit Norway USA actually dared fans to answer questions about Norway itself, with a question per day for an entire month.

The full article can be found here.

Source: Mashable