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Dead Rising 2 Video Wins ‘MI6 Making The Cut’

MI6 has announced that Kab Kaniess has won the MI6 Making the Cut video competition. The sophomore at Bethany Lutheran College in Mankato, Minnesota won with a Dead Rising 2 video that will be shown off on Capcom’s website.

“We view this competition as a fun way to energize and excite young creatives to show off their skills and gain recognition,” said Promax BDA President and CEO Jonathan Block-Verk.  “The competition motivates students and provides a direct opportunity to get involved with the video game industry and learn about its viability and creativity.”

“Dead Rising 2 isn’t the average zombie video game and I wanted to accurately portray its playful, yet mature content in the trailer,” said Kaniess. “The combination of in-game footage with 16mm found footage is a throwback to the ’60s, an era in which zombies emerged into popular culture.”