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Google Preps Chrome OS Release

Google is expecting their Chrome OS to release Fall 2010. The alternative to Microsoft Windows will be designed initially to work on laptop PCs.

“We will be selective on how we come to market because we want to deliver a great user experience,” said Google’s head of the Chrome project Sundar Pichai at the Computex PC show. “We’re thinking on both the hardware and software levels.”

For its part, Microsoft was actively skeptical of the open source OS, saying that different versions of programs would have to be built for different brands. Pichai said that the similarity in the base core means software companies would not have to develop a new version for Chrome.

“Chrome OS is one of the few future operating systems for which there are already millions of applications that work,” Pichai said. “You don’t need to redesign Gmail for it to work on Chrome. Facebook does not need to write a new app for Chrome.”

Chrome will let computer companies like Acer and HP develop their own versions of the OS. Google’s open source OS will be deeply integrated with the web and cloud computing ideas.

Source: Reuters