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James Bond Picks Up First Devoted Snapchat Discover Channel

James Bond’s newest big-screen spy adventure, Spectre, is just days away from its release, and Sony Pictures isn’t wasting any time in promoting the movie starring Daniel Craig, The company has poured some big money into Snapchat to advertise on its very own Discover channel.

AdWeek recently reported that Sony is the first company to pay the popular social site for an exclusive channel to advertise the film using “sponsored” content. By clicking on it, users will be able to access content from the film for the next 24 hours, including exclusive interviews, photos and behind-the-scenes vignettes with director Sam Mendes and the production crew.

This is a big change from Snapchat’s usual advertising model, which allows brands to advertise in Snapchat Discover within service’s pre-set stories as sponsored content, Live Stories or interstitial ads. By devoting an entire channel to Spectre, Sony is able to bypass those rules and provide promotional content directly to dedicated Bond fans.

Sony tweeted about the channel on its James Bond-devoted Twitter account, explaining, “Today only on Snapchat you can access #SPECTRE content on the first-ever Discover channel created for a film.”

So far, the Snapchat promotion seems to be working, with many users pleased with the results.

While Snapchat isn’t confirming whether or not companies will take over full channels in the future, the experiment seems to be paying off for both sides. So, the possibility of seeing more channels like this in the future is very likely.

Meanwhile, the Snapchat promotion is the latest for Sony in its promotion for Spectre, which not only wraps the current storyline surrounding James Bond films, but could also be Daniel Craig’s final appearance as the super spy. It’s expected to be a big box-office hit, both in the U.S. and internationally, when it opens on November 6th.