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Mass Effect 3 Promises Dark Tone

The story of Mass Effect 2 set up the epic conclusion to the sci-fi series with hints at the impending Reaper invasion. The tone of the game will grow even darker in the series third game, executive producer Casey Hudson reveals.

“Yeah [the tone continues]. I don’t want to say it’s hopelessness, but it’s that sense of, given the scale of what you’re fighting, how can you possibly win It’s going to take so much coordination and so much force,” said Hudson. “Whereas Mass Effect 2 was sort of stylishly dark – cool and slick, this is much more of a full-scale war feel. You don’t really have the luxuries, and you don’t have the sense that you can for sure win. Deep down, you know that it’s going to get ugly and there are things that are going to be lost, even if you win.”

While the intention is to make the story feel hopeless Hudson indicates that there is a reason to believe later. “If I tell you that reason to believe right now, then the story up front doesn’t make sense when you play, because you’re waiting for X to happen,” said Hudson. “That’s thing we don’t want to reveal.”

Source: GameInformer