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Mobile App Usage Challenging Television: Flurry

Flurry Analytics indicates that mobile app usage is now more popular than web browsing. They estimate that Americans now spend 127 minutes per day with mobile apps and only 70 minutes using a web browser.

“As smartphone and tablet penetration continue to rise, the next step for mobile apps is to challenge television as the primary channel for media consumption. What seemed impossible just a couple of years ago, doesn’t seem too far fetched today, as more and more content becomes available via mobile apps,” writes Felix Richter, media relations manager for Flurry Analytics. “The pace at which mobile apps have changed our media consumption habits is truly breathtaking, especially considering the fact that the concept is only four years old. The app concept has already started spreading to the living room, where apps are starting to change the way we interact with video game consoles and television sets as well.”

“For the moment, it seems safe to say that apps are the medium of the hour and quite possibly the medium of the future,” concluded Richter.