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Oculus CEO Talks Marketing A VR Headset

Oculus is one of the most ambitious projects for gaming, hoping to make a VR headset a feasible reality for most consumers. However, there’s a marketing problem in that the true functionality of the headset can’t be shown without owning the device, but Oculus CEO Brendan Iribe believes there are other ways to market the Oculus Rift.

“We’re going to do a lot of good press and marketing; we’re certainly going to have to ramp up,” said Iribe. “It’s hard but you have to get in front of the right people with the demo. So when we get in front of press with the demo, and they get to try the prototype, and we go and we visit those select game developers, as soon as you put this thing on your head and look around you get the potential of where this can go. You want to get involved, and you want to help, and hopefully write something positive about it.”

“Part of the Kickstarter is to start that kind of viral marketing,” he added. “When we ship 10,000 developer kits in December there’ll be an awful lot of people at a lot of different game studios and a lot of different developers that start talking about Oculus. For us, marketing is more a matter of getting all the developers to support it. As they start to promote that the game is compatible with Oculus it will drive a lot of interest.”

Source: GamesIndustry International