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‘Real-Life Animations’ Wanted For Next-Generation Consoles By CD Projekt

The Witcher 2 is one of the most impressive displays of graphics from a technical perspective ever, but it’s still far from completely realistic. If CD Projekt lead level artist Marek Ziemak had his way, the next generation of consoles would be able to bridge the uncanny valley.

“Sure, I’m a level artist so for me, it’s all about the visual quality,” he said. “I want more creative freedom and more great graphics, that’s what really makes me want to create games.”

“I’m looking for like real-life animations. It’s like pushing the limit again and again, creating bigger and greater stuff,” he said. “I don’t know when it’s going to happen, but I want to see this, these great graphics being there on the screen. I hope its time comes soon and we won’t have to fight about pixels on the screen but worry more about delivering a true experience, the real emotion we can deliver through the game.”

Source: CVG {link no longer active}