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Social Media Users Favor Sponsored Posts on Periscope, Snapchat

A new survey based on numbers provided in July 2015 on eMarketer, indicates that social media users favor sponsored messages on some platforms than others, citing them as “most effective.” It may surprise you that at the very top of this list, respondents said that Periscope, Snapchat and Instagram were most effective, above TV commercials, search and more.

According to the results, nine out of the top ten most effective marketing tactics consisted of sponsored social messages, varying across several platforms. eMarketer‘s graph more detailed results from the top 25 most effective marketing tactics according to social media users in the United States.

Twitter and Facebook, platforms that most Fortune 500 marketers have adopted are far below mobile-centric platforms. Users seem to prefer mobile ad formats.

As for usage and effectiveness of paid advertising methods (based on numbers provided by B2C content marketers in North America), search engine marketing saw an increase across both usage and effectiveness. Usage picked up from 63 percent to 76 percent over the past year, while effectiveness increased from 57 to 64 percent. Other methods, like promoted posts, social ads, print and other offline promotion, also saw growth in usage, but only the prior two showed increase in effectiveness, while print remained about even. Website banner ads seem to score the lowest in both regards.

An October 2015 survey conducted by the Content Marketing Institute (CMI), in conjunction with Marketing Profs and TrackMaven, points out that 61 percent of these marketers feel that promoted posts make an impact, with an increase in effectiveness over their usage last year.