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Sony’s Marketing Mojo With Kevin Butler

The PS3 had some marketing struggles early on, but now Sony is performing much better with its Kevin Butler ads. SCEA’s SVP of marketing and PlayStation Network Peter Dille spoke at MI6 about the highs (and lows) of the company’s PS3 marketing.

“The campaign is working to drive hardware sales,” said Dille. “PlayStation 3 sales are up 184 percent in the three months following the price drop, and while a lot of that has to do with price itself, we know from research that consumers are more educated as well. Purchase intent went from 19 percent prior to the price drop, to 36 percent after this campaign started. And we’ve also tracked our competitors and they’ve fallen during the same time.”

“We struggled with our messaging early on to clearly communicate the value proposition of the PlayStation 3. Now I’d like to think that the best, crispiest messaging in the world really wouldn’t have done a whole lot to sell a $600 game machine in a very horrendous economy, he continued. “With our campaign now, we kind of knocked off all those obstacles. The arrogance I think has gone away. We kind of gotten back to our mojo with the sense of humor that people came to know and love with early PlayStation advertising. I think it’s just a more likable connection to the consumer.”

Source: IndustryGamers {link no longer active}