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Star Wars: The Old Republic ‘Going Right At’ World Of Warcraft

Star Wars: The Old Republic is by far Electronic Arts’ largest attempt to ever to break into the MMO genre. While there have been concerns about its prospects from external sources and played down expectations from within, EA CEO John Riccitiello is serious about The Old Republicfacing off against World of Warcraft.

“We’re going right at it. We want share, we want leadership position here,” said Riccitiello. “I’m not expecting to sort of knock them over, but … we’re gonna get a big chunk of [their market].”

Riccitiello thinks the Star Wars universe and new technologies will be differentiators. “In a way, theirs is a silent movie and ours is the first talkie,” he said. “By and large, theirs is not a voiced MMO. Ours is a fully voiced MMO in multiple languages.”

Source: Gamasutra