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Twitter 101 For Business

Twitter is all the rage, and we’re fine with it.  Even if you throw up an RSS feed on a Twitter account, it’s just another delivery method for content to your readers.

For businesses wanting to take the next step up in the Twittersphere, the Twitter 101 for Businesses site is worth a read.  The folks at Twitter know that engaging business (and eventually upselling them) will be key to any future revenue plans they have, and this initial engagement hits the right notes.  Some key excerpts:

But if you’re new to Twitter and still wondering what all the fuss is about, hang around the site (or a good third-party client) for a week or two and give it a few minutes a day. Twitter almost always delivers Aha! moments for people, but it can take some getting used to before you have your moment of enlightenment.

And if you see a few people spending a bit too much time in the office using Twitter, you may want to show them this:

In fact, Twitter works best for businesses when you start slow, devoting a few minutes a day to see whether and how it s valuable to you.

Get into this microsite this weekend, see how it applies to your business and clients, and come back on Monday, ready to go!

[Twitter 101]