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Zynga Developers Help With Charity Game

Zynga developers have donated their time to help develop the charity Facebook title Half The Sky, based on a book of the same name. Set for release in November, the game will serve as part of a media campaign alongside a television series designed to raise awareness about female oppression.

“Zynga’s role in bringing this game to life is particularly special to us,” said Half the Sky authors Sheryl WuDunn and Nicholas Kristof. “Using a game to potentially reach great numbers of people helps send a message not only that there are challenges women face around the world but also that they bring great spirit and joy to their communities when they can live safe, normal lives.”

“The mission of is to help make the world a better place through games,” added Zynga’s Ken Weber. “Zynga’s employees are eager to leverage social games for good, and we are honored to be collaborating with Games for Change and Frima on this important initiative.”