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A Conspiracy Surfaces

Started by a series of TV spots and paid media placements, the Coma Conspiracy {link no longer active} is the promotional site for a 4-hour miniseries directed by Ridley and Tony Scott starting Labor Day weekend on A&E.

The campaign began with posters scattered around midtown Manhattan and around the county with a simple URL and creepy picture.

At the link is what seems like a legitimate blog full of posts about a conspiracy surrounding a hospital called the “Jefferson Institute,” where patients seem to be falling into comas at an alarming rate.

Most posts include videos or pictures related to the growing cover-up surrounding this institute. One of the better ones includes a “cell phone” video of Times Square being overrun with the conspiracy image.

By far the coolest post however is a shot of a comatose patient’s arm, which when studied contains a web address on the wristband which, if followed, takes you to the show’s actual site.