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Quiznos Makes New ToastyTV Featuring Jimmy Fallon And Justin Timberlake

Quiznos has released a new episode of #ToastyTV, {link no longer active} this time parodying The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon.

Published on Quiznos’ “QuiznosToaster” YouTube channel, the video features two Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake look-alikes who provide a spinoff on Fallon’s Evolution of Dance skits, titled “History of Bromance.”

The two actors are seen dancing and singing onstage to iconic tunes like “California Love,” “Gold Digger,” and even “Crank That” by Soulja Boy, all while subtly advertising for the toasted-sandwich food chain.

After nearly going bankrupt several times, Quiznos is in the mists of trying to revamp the company’s image to publications and consumers alike, including a menu change a few months back. Along with a change in ownership, the new #ToastyTV campaign is achieving just this.

Quiznos has a complete ToastyTV website that features everything from YouTube videos, to Gifs, to Instagram posts, either created by Quiznos personal or its customers, all publicizing the restaurant in a particular fashion.

Most of the content is labeled, “curated entertainment, straight from the toaster,” with the main logo reading, “Toasty TV serves up the latest in music, film, art and entertainment – all with that special Quiznos awesomesauce.”

So far, the company’s new approach to branding itself seems to be working. Several videos ToastyTV has cooked up have garnered at least half a million views, with some even pushing past a million, proving that Quiznos’ effort to make a change for the better could be paying off.