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The War For Global Resistance Has Begun

Insomniac has unleashed Global Resistance, a Facebook-connected social game to promote the upcoming release of Resistance 3 for the Sony PS3. Similar to Risk, players of Global Resistance will unlock exclusive content in the PS3 shooter. Inversely, playing the shooter will bolster your forces in the social game. Players are forced to side with either the humans in this alternate WWII reality, or the alien race called the Chimera. Players gather troops and attempt to take over regions of the world using the vast war map across rounds that last for hours in wars that last for seven days. Military decisions are aided with color-coded icons to help judge your forces against the enemy’s. Skewed to the hardcore, war-mongering gamer, Global Resistance takes cues from Facebook games – like Goals in FarmVille directing players on what to do next in order to unlock content in Resistance 3. Players must even create and maintain their own military base to create new troops to launch Missions and an asynchronous battle system with players trading pre-planned attacks much similar to Mafia Wars.