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Young Mobile User Numbers Growing

The Digital Kids Summit is coming to San Francisco later this month, and, this week, the official site for the summit decided to revisit just how popular social media is with a young age. And by a young age, we don’t mean teens — we mean kids aged 0-8.

Common Sense Media Inc. performed a large-scale survey on children’s media from last year, titled Zero To Eight: Children’s Media Use In America. Within the report, some interesting numbers have arisen in terms of use of social means across a very young age set.

Even though the data is a year old, it’s likely that they’ve risen since that time — which makes their results even more startling. Here’s what the report indicates:

The percent of children 0-8 years old who used mobile media doubled, from 38 percent to 72 percent.

The percent of children 0-8 years old with smartphones in the home grew from 41 percent to 63 percent.

The percent of children 0-8 years old with a tablet in the home (iPad, Android, other) grew from 8 percent to 40 percent.

In fact, almost as many children now have their own tablets (7 percent) as parents did two years ago (8 percent).

The percent of children who use mobile devices on a daily basis — at least once a day or more — has also more than doubled from 8 percent to 17 percent.

Among those who use a mobile device in a typical day, the average went from :43 a day in 2011 to 1:07 in 2013.

The entire report is available for download here, but in a nutshell, it shows that there’s definitely space for a younger audience, one that interacts with a number of apps that have a surprising social angle.

Out of devices used, it appears that smartphones are most popular with 63 percent (a rise from 41 percent two years prior), with tablets in second place at 40 percent (a huge leap from 2011’s  percent). iPod Touch and similar online devices also have a decent percentage at 27 percent (up from 21 percent).

Regarding time spent on said devices, 17 percent said they use social media on a daily basis, while 28 percent check in every week, and 18 percent use them less often than that.

What do you think Is this use of social media a bit surprising considering the young audience Or about on par with today’s technology

Source: Digital Media Summit

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