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Google TV’s Challenges

Google right now is trying to get ABC, CBS, Fox and NBC to sign up for their Google TV service. However, these networks are skeptical that Google can compensate them for potentially cannibalizing the existing TV broadcast businesses.

“Google executives are pushing hard to convince content owners to share data about their video websites to make it easier for Google to search and display their shows in blended TV-Web listings, these people said,” writes Jessica E. Vascellaro. “When a user searches for a show like ABC’s Desperate Housewives, for instance, Google’s software will list episodes scheduled to air on TV and airing at that moment, along with episodes and other related content online.”

Along with this push, Google is hoping to get more web content owners on board with making their products more viewable on a larger screen. If Google isn’t careful, though, the media could push to have web video blocked from certain devices.

Source: Wall Street Journal